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Sentimental Report  in a relationship or single 


The end of the year is the perfect time to take stock of your sentimental year, whether you are in a relationship or single.


What are the concrete actions that you could put in place to live a fulfilling life as a couple or single? 

What are your life goals?

How do you see the year 2022?


Take stock of your love life  take stock of what worked and what could be improved.


This is also the time for you to congratulate yourself on everything you have undertaken, to analyze the positive points, or the hiccups, to show clarity, to redefine your objectives and your life path, while n not forgetting to ask yourself where you were a year ago and what were your goals, wishes?


You  you will reap all the benefits of this assessment, by discovering all the answers thanks to this analysis.


As a couple, you could ask yourself these kinds of questions:


  • Are you happy?

  • What do you particularly like about your relationship?

  • What makes you feel good?

  • Gives you energy?

  • What needs are nurtured?

  • Are you happy?

  • What do you dislike about your relationship?

  • What eats your energy?

  • Does this relationship live up to your expectations?

  • What do you need ?

  • What could you do to have a fulfilling relationship?



If you are single, you might ask yourself these kinds of questions:


  • Are you happy?

  • Is it compulsory or chosen celibacy?

  • What do you particularly like about being single?

  • Why are you single?

  • What do you dislike?

  • What do you need ?

  • What would you like to change?

  • What could you do to have a fulfilling relationship?



With this draw, you will get the answers  to your questions.


A romantic relationship is always strewn with doubts in view of its compatibility.

In the beginning, it's passion that wins, and everything seems perfect right down to

the smallest details. But over time, the routine gradually wins

of the field, and everyone notices the little faults of their partner.


Faced with this situation, only two outcomes are possible: either the couple

is solid enough to find a long-term balance, or the relationship ends up irretrievably collapsing...


Each person approaches their romantic life in a personal way and it can be very different from one person to another.


It's time for you to lift the veil...

... See beyond appearances ...

... Find out why you are experiencing this situation ...


  1. Upon receipt of your order, we will contact you by email in order to have all  the information necessary for the service.
  2. When the scan is complete, we will send your information to you via audio.

Sentimental Balance Sheet in Couple or Single

  • Through my guidance, I suggest you question the current energies, to see:

    What are the blockages, fears, false beliefs, wounds that are holding you back?

    What messages does your soul send you  breath but  that you can't hear, or understand?

    What are the reasons why you cross some  events  currently ?

    Sometimes our  ego  prevents us from going on the path, which is intended for us, for fear of change. 

    We tend to want to stay in our comfort zone, which is why he can send you quite contradictory, devaluing and negative messages, and perhaps even slow you down in your projects and make you doubt.

    It is based on wounds from the past, on societal fears, family fears, false beliefs, transgenerational memories...

    The interest of a guidance is to highlight these grains of  sand  that keep you from moving forward and achieving the much-desired happiness or truly being  yourself. The  wounds, false beliefs, self-sabotage, and fears are powerful brakes

    I offer you the opportunity to hear the messages, to get your answers,  to pave the way for change, at your own pace, in all kindness. Because very often it just takes a spark to initiate a change. transform your negative thoughts, set new intentions and stop the repetitive patterns that are constantly replaying in your life.

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